


Whether the article reviewed is original or not depends on the content of the article and the degree of verification. Generally speaking, articles that have been reviewed are mostly original articles, but there are also cases where some articles are not original.

First, if the content of the article reviewed is completely original, then it can be determined that the article is an original one. However, for the same article, if it already exists on the Internet, then it is not an original article. Therefore, the content of the article must be carefully examined to determine whether it is original.

Second, the degree of verification of the article is also an important factor. If the article has been reviewed by a professional team, it can be confirmed that the article is an original one. Because the professional team has professional knowledge and skills, it can determine whether the article is original.

In conclusion, whether an article reviewed is original or not depends on the content of the article and the degree of verification. Therefore, when reviewing an article, it is necessary to carefully examine the content of the article and the degree of verification. Only in this way can we ensure that the article reviewed is an original one.

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