


It is commonly held that original writing is of higher quality than other forms of writing. As a matter of fact, writing original works, which requires more efforts and time, can show the writer’s creativity and understanding of the topic, result in more profound and thought-provoking articles.

First, original works are usually more inspiring than other types of writing. Writers can express their own thoughts and feelings as well as research on different aspects of the topic, thus creating an article that is more interesting and interesting. Furthermore, by doing so, the writer can also increase their ability to think critically and explore the issue from various perspectives.

Second, original writing can be more informative than other forms of writing. By researching and writing their own works, the writer can develop a deeper understanding of the topic, and present it in a more systematic and comprehensive way. Furthermore, readers can benefit from the writer’s unique perspective and gain new insights.

Third, original works can also help to build the writer’s reputation. By writing original works, the writer can demonstrate their expertise in the field and promote themselves as a reliable source of knowledge. As a result, readers may be more likely to trust the writer and consult them for advice.

Finally, original writing can also inspire and motivate other writers. By seeing the creative and insightful works of other writers, one can be motivated to improve their own writing and develop their own ideas and perspectives.

In conclusion, it is clear that original writing is of higher quality than other forms of writing. It can not only be more inspiring, informative, and beneficial to the reader, but also help to build the writer’s reputation and motivate other writers. Therefore, it is highly recommended to prioritize original writing over other forms of writing.

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